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Houston Paintball Club


MISSION STATEMENT - Our goal of this club is to provide the Houston Paintball community a place to come together, meet one another and form groups, teams and friendships.

We want this to be solely about growing the Houston Paintball Community! We want the events for our club to travel around Houston to fields we have never been to. We will bring large groups, eat lunch at the fields and I am hoping I can get the support from my sponsor to get us fun prizes to add to it all!

Please invite any of your friends who play, who need a place to call home!

Join our Facebook group to stay in touch and communicate with other club members! Houston Paintball Club Facebook Group Chat

Let’s make this great!!!

Join The Club

Club Rules

Our Community



Join The Club-

Join the Houston Paintball Club! Come out, play paintball and make new friends while doing something you enjoy!

Become apart of the conversation on our Facebook page, HoustonPaintball.org.

Talk with other players in the Houston area to find out where they are playing and what games and events might be coming up!

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Club Rules-

We want this club to grow and help the Houston Paintball Community to grow!
So here are a few rules we like to help this happen!

1. Always make sure the younger and new players have fun and are safe!
2. No cheating and causing problems on the field at Club events.
3. Keep the competitive side of playing under control.
4. Always have fun and meet new people at the Club events!
5. Leave the hosting field nice and neat when we leave for the day

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Our Community-

Join our Facebook page to stay up to date on our events and local gatherings from other members!

Join here - Houston Paintball Club Facebook

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Hey everyone! Thank you for checking out our group. I have high hopes for this to be a fun and thriving club we can all enjoy!

For anyone that doesn’t know me my name is John Jackson and I own the Paintball Store Pro Edge Paintball in Houston.

Over the last few years I have seen the Houston Paintball market slowly decline. It seems we have fewer recreational players on the weekends and fewer teams playing local events and scenarios.

My goal of this club is to provide the Houston Paintball community a place to come together, meet one another and form groups, teams and friendships.

I want this to be solely about growing our community! The events for our club will travel around Houston to fields we have never been to. We will bring large groups, eat lunch at the fields and I am hoping I can get the support from my sponsors to get us fun prizes to add to it all!

Please invite any of your friends who play, who need a place to call home!

I have gathered a small group of ambassadors to help me organize and run the events and this group.

If you have any questions, email me directly at John@ProEdgePaintball.com, message me on Facebook or DM me on Instagram!

Let’s make this great!!!