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Paintballs Exploding In Your Paintball Gun? Learn Why Your Paintballs Explode (Most Likely)

Hey, everyone. John here with Pro Edge Paintball. I am back with another weekly video. This video is going to be just to explain the difference between different types of paint and how they're affected by the weather. So, a lot of problems that we run into with paint issues, a lot of players, they'll play up north, they'll shoot an entry level gun. Let's say you purchase like a Azodin and Chaos—it's a very good example—or a Spider, Phoenix, or a Blitz 4, basically a mechanical entry level style gun, and all of a sudden the weather gets real cold. You go out to go play and the paint is just exploding out the end of your barrel. Literally, you're like, man, this is the worst paint I've ever shot. Pump the brakes. A lot of this has to do with stuff that a new player just would not know. It's nobody's fault. They just don't know, I guess, the science behind paintballs and whatnot. That's what this video is about, is to explain to newer players basically how the weather affects your paintball and your entry level paintball gun.

So, today, I have Empire Premium paintballs. This bag has been sitting in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. This pod has been sitting at room temperature, and the blue pod that's inside the box down here has been sitting outside. It's about 50-60 degrees outside. I want to show you just the differences real quick before everything levels off. This is room temperature paint balls. I don't know if you can see. We have three so far that have bound or… Here we go. This is pretty brittle paint as it is already. This is I'm about 6 foot tall. Okay, let's start over. Do bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, and bounce. That one broke. Four out of five bounce. We're going to go with the little bit colder paint. Broke, bounced, bounced, bounced, broke, broke. So, two out of five, bounced. This is hopefully the coldest paint. Let's see if we get the result we're thinking here. Let's start over. Broke, broke, broke, broke, broke, broke, broke. That couldn't have got any better for the video. The point we're making here is cold weather makes paintballs more fragile, which means an entry level paintball gun puts a lot of pressure behind the paintball to shoot it out into the gun. An analogy I like to use is imagine literally punching an egg.
If you're punching an egg with your fist, it's going to shatter everywhere. An entry level paintball gun is more like your fist hitting an egg on paint that's extremely brittle. It's going to break that paint balls down the barrel. It's not the gun's fault. It's not really the paint's fault. A lot has to do with the brittleness of paintballs. If you're a tournament player for paintball and your paint is bouncing, guess what?

A good idea is take your paint, literally pot it up, put in a cooler, chill it, make it colder. That because it makes it more fragile. If you're a newer paintball player, a newer paintball player typically say, if it's not making it on my gun, it's terrible paint. That's not necessarily the truth. For a competitive level professional paintball player, they want the most fragile paint they can shoot because when they hit a player, they don't want it to bounce off. They physically want it to break on that person. When we play competitions, what we want is we want something like this.

Break, break, break.

Oh, that one bounced a little bit. Break. We want it to just explode on impact because that way if we get that one shot on that player, I mean, almost every one of these is breaking.

We want it to explode. We want it to mark that player. But if you were a player that's using an inch-level paintball gun, you're going to want to go with a little bit harder paintballs. An inter-level paintball. The main way to know if your paintball gun is the problem or if the paint is the problem, if everybody at your field or a lot of people in the paintball field you're playing at are having the same problem but shooting different guns, the only thing that is consistent or the same between all of you is the type of paint walls you're using.

We have this issue happen in Texas. All of a sudden, it'll get really cold in Texas, but the fields are using summer tight paint or normal paint walls. All of a sudden, that paint becomes extremely fragile like an egg. What I was saying earlier about punching an egg, it's going to explode. But a higher end of paintball gun, let's say $400, $500 and above, it's using a pillow to push that paintball, meaning it's putting very less little pressure on it. It's very softly touching the paintball to shoot it out the end of the barrel,  which means you're able to shoot a higher quality paintball or a more brittle type of paintball. Hopefully this video isn't too technical and I didn't want to go off on it too much. But if you are having problems with your paintball gun just exploding paint out the barrel, very rarely is it an actual paintball gun issue. It is typically a paint issue. The number one thing to do before you go to try to return your paintball gun to the online store you bought it from, first thing first, go try a different batch of paintballs.
Take a breather. I understand that can be extremely frustrating. Clean out the gun very well because as you can see, as thin as this is, any other debris that's in the way as that paintball is launching in the barrel is also going to cause it to explode. So, the paintballs are shooting at 200 miles an hour and are very, very thin shell. Anything that touches it all is going to help make it explode. Whereas your winter formula paint, it's made to handle the cold weather. Maybe the shell is a little bit thicker or it's not affected by the cold, and that's going to give it a harder, tougher shell. When it flies out your paintball gun, it doesn't explode. Do you guys have any questions about this? Again, if you're having your entry-level paintball guns, go try a different type of paint balls first. Maybe wait for it to warm up a little bit.

Also another tip, if it's cold outside, don't leave your paint balls on the picnic table with the paintball field. Put them in the car. Put them in a building. Put them somewhere. Put them in your bag. Don't open all the bags immediately and let the weather get to it and make them colder. You want to keep it warmer. If you're having problems, you definitely want to keep the paint warmer. On the reverse of that, if it's extremely hot outside, don't open all your pods and put out there because the humidity or the heat will make that paint soften up, which means when you shoot a target, it's going to be bouncing like a gummy ball, a gummy bear. What you want to do is you want to keep your paint a little bit colder in the car.

Hopefully, some of you guys found that useful. We're going to use this video a lot of times to share it with other people or customers that are having bad experiences and they don't understand because again, they may be new players. If you have any questions or if you've had this experience before, please comment below. Help other players understand that it may not be their paintball gun. Or if you've had a bad batch of paint, of course, it can be the paintballs on that one. As always, thank you so much for watching. If you know a friend that needs help with this or a newer players or any Facebook pages out there that need help learning something about this, maybe they're catered to newer players like your paintball clubs and whatnot, please share this video in there. This will really help people not have such frustrating weekends when they go out with their brand new gun and it doesn't shoot paintballs at all.

As always, any questions, comment below. Make sure you subscribe to our video. We're really trying to, or sorry, subscribe to our YouTube channel. We're really trying to hit 5,000 subscribers this year, so we're trying to pump out more videos, more good quality videos. As always, thank you so much for watching. We'll see you guys next time.

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