Houston Paintball Community
If you are looking for paintball fields in Houston , Houston has so much to offer new and experienced players. With our city of Houston being the 4th largest city in the country, the diversity we have offers such a huge selection when it comes to the paintball fields, Paintball players and the paintball community that exists here.
Pro Edge Paintball is owned and managed by native Houstonians. Our paintball store in Houston and staff have worked in the Houston community for over 15 years now and have built a positive name with the players and local paintball facilities.
One way Pro Edge has become such a huge part of the Houston Paintball community is through the creation of the Houston Paintball Club and the Houston Paintball League. As the community changes over time, Pro Edge has created events to help bring the local players together.
Houston Paintball Players at Zone North
Houston Paintball Club
The Houston Paintball Club is a club that is free to join and built to bring Houston paintball players together. The club events offer new and experienced players a local event to plan for and to meet new friends while out doing something they enjoy. The Club was formed in 2018 by us at Pro Edge. The local paintball fields were seeing a down turn in regular players and in the walk on player group sizes. We felt this was because the players didn’t have a specific date to plan for and it was more of a, just show up and hope there are players at the field.
The Houston Paintball Club helps give players a specific date to plan their day of paintball with friends and a safe environment to bring new players out. At the club event days we make sure we design games that won’t encourage players to shoot each other up close but more to be competitive while keeping in mind we want to grow the Houston paintball community.
Our club events travel to different fields located in different parts of Houston allowing different players from all areas to have a close event to try out. Using our club Facebook page, players are able to communicate with one another about other events they have heard about or ask other players if they would like to meet them to play on an upcoming weekend.
The Houston Paintball Club group is growing and the responses have been very positive and encouraging. If you are in or around the Houston area, be sure to check out our Houston Paintball Club Facebook page to see when our next event is and to stay in touch with other local players!
Houston Paintball Players
Paintball in Houston comes in all variations from the recreational player, the regular, the scenario player and the pro. At Pro Edge Paintball our staff is made up of players from all levels who have grown up at the Houston paintball fields ever since they were only 10 years old. Some members of our staff play local and national events traveling from Houston to Dallas and San Antonio all the way to Las Vegas and Orlando, Florida!
We all remember what it is like to be a new players at the local Houston fields. If you are a new player and are not sure where to start or how to go about meeting other players feel free to reach out to us so we can put you in contact with some other players at the same level. We try to do our best to ensure our local community is growing.
Paintball Gear and Equipment
If you are a newer player and looking to purchase your first paintball gun, at first this looks like it could be a huge headache. With so much new paintball gear out there every day and so many mixed reviews, the journey to buying paintball equipment can be tough.
At Pro Edge Paintball we pride ourselves to maintain our 5 star rating on Google by making honest and considerate paintball gear and equipment recommendations to new players. Our staff is trained to not sell you some new paintball equipment that won’t fit your needs the best and will only be a waste. With any industry there are a lot of products that don’t do what they promise, paintball is no different. With us having such great working relationships in the paintball industry we only refer our clients to paintball companies that truly stand behind their products with great warranties and helpful customer service.
While out there looking for new paintball tanks ,paintball masks, or paintball gear in general be sure to ask a Pro Edge trainee staff member what they would recommend for your budget and playing level!
Paintball Gun Packages
Looking to get into paintball and not sure what to get? Starter gun packages are a great way to get everything you need for a cheap price. We stock beginner starter packages all the way up to the best paintball gun packages available. Some popular brands to consider when shopping are Spyder, Empire, Planet Eclipse and Tippmann paintball guns. Shop our paintball gun packages to see what is available out there. These companies make the best paintball guns available and have done so for many years. When looking to buy your paintball equipment you will need a mask, air tank, loader, gun and of course paintballs.
Paintball Loaders and Hoppers
Beginning with the five dollar gravity feed loader all the way up to the leading Virtue Spire hopper we carry them all. A good reliable loader is one of the keys to enjoying your day out playing paintball so be certain to research the top hopper names such as the Dye Rotor, Hk Army and the Virtue loader. The companies lead the way in technology, reliability and price when it comes to the gear and loaders they product.
While shopping for your first paintball gun or your next upgrade there is a lot to choose from. Our staff is trained, experienced and extremely helpful when it comes to finding the best paintball guns for our budget and personal style. One important factor we recommend to keep in mind when shopping is that not all paintball guns are made the same. We work close with paintball stores in Los Angeles, California in addition to paintball stores in Orlando, Florida. Working with other stores allows us to give an even better experience to the players. There are brands that exist in our industry that don't always take care of the customer like they should. We do not support bad mouthing anyone or any business so we choose to represent who we support by only carrying the best brands in the sport. The Planet Eclipse paintball guns along with Empire, Tippmann and Dye are leading brands who offer a great warranty and customer service.
Depending on your style will determine which paintball gun is best suited for your needs. While you are researching give Pro Edge Paintball a call, stop by or use our Live Chat feature online so we can help guide you and answer all of your questions before you make your decision.
Pro Edge Paintball Main Services We Offer
Paintball Gun Repair
Our paintball store in Houston offers the service of cleaning and repairing your paintball guns and gear. If you are having issues with your paintball be sure to bring it by for us to check it out.
Paintball Tank Refills
Do you like to shoot your paintball gun in the back yard? If you are in need of refilling your paintball tank in Houston during the week we are here for you. To refill your CO2 paintball tank or Ninja tank the cost is about $5 depending on the size. We are able to refill your air tank within just a few minutes while you wait.
Kegerator Refills
We also offer the service of refilling your kegerator CO2 tanks while you wait. Our staff is able to refill up to a 5 pound kegerator CO2 tank within just a few minutes.
Colored Smoke Bombs
No matter if you are a photographer or play paintball we now carry colored smoke bombs. Players and photographers from all over use these for their photo shoots, gender reveal parties and even graduation photos. Stop by or see our selection online to see which colors we currently have in stock.
If you aren’t a new player but more of a regular or interested in becoming apart of Paintball tournaments our staff has over 40 years of combined tournament experience with some of us even competing professionally in Europe as recent as 2018. Be sure to contact us for advice on which fields would be best to get into tournaments and to start your own paintball team at!
In addition to the newer players and the regulars, paintball in Houston has a huge community of scenario or tactical paintball style players. These players compete in the woods or in close quarter combat formatted playing fields to simulate a more realistic game style. We at Pro Edge do not discriminate against any type of style of paintball so we have also played our fair share of scenario games with anywhere from 500 to 1000 players at a time battling it out! These games are by far the most enjoyable and the most action you will ever experience in a single weekend of playing paintball. Pro Edge Paintball sponsors a couple local scenario teams so if you are interested in becoming apart of this style of play, let us know so we can put you in touch with the right people!
Houston Paintball League
Only a few years ago we formed the Houston Paintball League, a tournament league for newer tournament players in Houston to be apart of and to compete.
If you are looking to get into tournaments without traveling outside of Houston, please take a minute to look up the Houston Paintball League. This tournament series offers players to compete in different formats such as 3 man which is 3 vs 3 and 5 man which is 5 vs 5. The 5 vs 5 is the most popular and most standard format to compete in as the National Paintball tournaments use this format as well.
Every person who works at Pro Edge Paintball has been on a team and competed in tournaments. Some of our staff started competing as young as twelve years old while some still compete well into their thirties. As you can see we have a wealth of knowledge from all different experience levels and ages.
If you are a new player or know someone trying to get into tournament paintball in Houston, please know that we will guide you into the right direction!
Houston Paintball Overview
From all of the information above you can see that Houston has a ton to choose from when it comes to different Paintball facilities and styles. With over 10 Paintball fields in Houston, we only listed 6 of them.
With so many places to choose from be sure to use your Pro Edge Paintball staff to find which facilities we feel would offer you the best experience.
If anytime you have any questions regarding paintball guns, paintball hoppers or Paintball in Houston, be sure to reach out by phone, email or our social media channel.
We hope you have a great experience playing paintball in Houston and hope to see you soon!
Thank you for visiting Pro Edge Pb.com